Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


About Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

Holy Trinity is a special place. A community of faith where all are invited to encounter Jesus. It is the “mother” Lutheran church of the Triangle region, with a history dating to 1911. Our worship services are built around a traditional liturgy, and the church enjoys a dedicated membership and many special traditions. We live out our mission statement, “Gather to Worship, Grow in Faith, Embrace All, Commit to Serve” through weekly worship and Bible studies. By welcoming all who walk through our doors and affirming Christ’s love for them. And also by partnering with a number of community organizations who work to end hunger and homelessness in our community (among other worthy causes) and engaging in community service projects such as our Little Food Pantry which is stocked regularly by members and provides food for those in need in our community.

Community Snapshot

Love Lived Out

Our folks know how to love God with their whole hearts, souls, and minds, and their neighbors as themselves.


Why Holy Trinity?

Because Holy Trinity is RIC (Reconciling in Christ) church and because the people are so welcoming.


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2723 Clark Ave, Raleigh, NC, 27607


Hope for the Triangle is a collaboration among a group of Lutheran Church communities in the North Carolina Triangle region.