St. Paul's Lutheran Church

North Durham

About St. Paul's Lutheran Church

In celebrating the beauty and strength created through diversity, we welcome, value, and include all of God’s children regardless of race, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, ability, appearance, or citizenship. St. Paul’s is committed to racial equity.


We strive to inspire and engage one another to do what is just, show love and fulfill God’s Word. And as a part of the family of God we share God in Christ with the world by equipping one another through worship, learning, witness, service and support.


“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”  – 1 Corinthians 12:12

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1200 W Cornwallis Rd, Durham, 27705, Durham, NC


Hope for the Triangle is a collaboration among a group of Lutheran Church communities in the North Carolina Triangle region.